Instant Messaging Scripts

When inviting potential referral partners to your startup meeting, we always recommend picking up the phone to call them. In some cases an instant message is easier. In that situation, we do recommend using these strategies only for those people that you know fairly well.

WhatsApp Script

Are you a heavy Whatsapp user? Here are some sample messages to send to contacts you already know.

Hi [Friend's Name],

Hope you're doing well! I wanted to reach out and invite you to an upcoming BNI Startup Chapter meeting. BNI is a professional networking organization that helps businesses grow through referrals. Our local startup chapter is a great opportunity to meet other entrepreneurs, exchange ideas, and potentially form new business partnerships.

The meeting is on [Date and Time] at [Location]. You'll have the chance to network, learn about BNI, and hear from guest speakers. I think you'd really benefit from the connections and resources available through BNI.

Let me know if you're interested, I'd be happy to provide more details.

[Your Name]

Text Message Script

A recommended strategy for close contacts

Hi [Friend's Name],

Hope all is well. I wanted to reach out and invite you to an upcoming BNI Startup Chapter meeting. BNI is a professional networking organization that helps businesses grow through referrals. The local startup chapter is a great opportunity to meet other entrepreneurs, exchange ideas and potentially form new business partnerships.

The meeting is on [Date and Time] at [Location]. You'll have the chance to network, learn about BNI, and hear from guest speakers. I think you'd really benefit from the connections and resources available through BNI.

Let me know if you're interested, I'd be happy to provide more details.

[Your Name]